A publishing company visualizing a path to the future through industrial gases and their ability to increase value.




Reporting on social and economic change through industrial gases

About the Gas Review company

The main business of Gas Review is to publish The Gas Review, an industrial gas journal, and other industrial gas magazines. Through information on industrial gases, we provide analysis of social and economic changes. We provide information through printed media and market surveys, as well as online.

Industrial Gas

What Are Industrial Gases?

Industrial gases are used in a wide and diverse range of industrial fields. For example, they are used as materials for industrial products and in manufacturing processes, as well as in medical applications and even to make the bubbles in carbonated drinks.


We publish journals that capture changes in society and the economy through industrial gases.

We publish journals that capture changes in society and the economy through industrial gases.

We publish our main periodical Gas Review every two weeks to cover the latest social and economic trends from the point of view of the industrial gas industry, as well as other journals that specialize on semiconductors, healthcare, and other applications.

Most Recent Edition Of Gas Review


English-language newsletter for the industrial gas market

The Gas Review provides the latest news on the Japanese and global industrial gas markets for subscribers around the world.

A4 size, 16 pages, 16 issues a year (including Gas Review Nippon, published in January and July), Annual subscription fee: ¥77,000 including tax and shipping, For overseas, ¥70,000

Gas Review Nippon

Information on the current state of the industrial gas market in English

Gas Review Nippon provides data on topics and trends in the Japanese and international industrial gas markets. It is published in January and July to cover the latest news.

A4 size, 36 pages, 2 issues a year (January and July), Annual subscription fee: ¥17,600 including tax and shipping, For overseas, ¥16,000


English-language newsletter for the industrial gas market


The Gas Review provides the latest news on the Japanese and global industrial gas markets for subscribers around the world.

A4 size, 16 pages, 16 issues a year (including Gas Review Nippon, published in January and July), Annual subscription fee: ¥77,000 including tax and shipping, For overseas, ¥70,000

*Subscription fee for two issues a year.

Information on the current state of the industrial gas market in English

Gas Review Nippon

Gas Review Nippon provides data on topics and trends in the Japanese and international industrial gas markets. It is published in January and July to cover the latest news.

A4 size, 36 pages,
2 issues a year (January and July), Annual subscription: ¥17,600 including tax and shipping, For overseas, ¥16,000

*Subscription fee for two issues a year.            
*Free for The Gas Review subscribers. It is possible to subscribe to only Gas Review Nippon.

Online News

GASMOS: Online news service for subscribing members

GASMOS is a daily online news service for paying members.

Company Information