

Supporting Social and Economic Change Through Industrial Gases

Gas Review provides information on support social and economic change through industrial gases. We publish the only Japanese-language magazine that specializes in industrial gases. We also provide in-person and online meetings that supply industrial gas information. In the modern age where information is so readily available on the internet, we endeavor to maintain our standing as a primary source.

Publishing reporting activities

Information Gathering from Diverse Industrial Fields through Industrial Gases and Their Many Applications

Gas Review publishes Gas Review, a professional journal that provides information on social and economic movements viewed through industrial gases and the wide range of industrial fields in which they are used. The Gas Review provides news on the manufacturing industry, including steel, chemicals, automobiles, and electronics, as well as news on decarbonization, energy transition, other environment-related fields, cutting-edge medicine and healthcare, the food industry, and agriculture. It is unusual for one publication to provide information on such a variety of fields, but that reflects the wide usage of industrial gases.

And by following changes in industrial gases and the many industrial fields it’s used in, you can come to understand social and economic movements.

Even though Gas Review is an industrial gas magazine, that does not mean we restrict coverage to the industrial gas industry. Gas Review covers a wide range of industrial fields. By gathering information on a wide range of industrial fields, we provide up-to-date information on current trends in social and economic activities in Gas Review.

We also publish periodicals that cover specific industrial gas applications. PROtron covers the electronics industry, Gas Medicina specializes in medical applications, Hydrythm provides information on hydrogen, ammonia, and other gas forms of energy used for decarbonization, and Food Life Agricultural Gas contains information on primary industries, such as agriculture and fishing, as well as the food industry in general.

Gathering Information to Remain a Primary Source Even in the Dominance of the Internet

Even though the internet enables accessing a vast array of information, Gas Review values our stance as a primary source of information. We go onsite to confirm news with our own eyes and ears, a research style that has a long tradition at Gas Review. And our research activities extend beyond Japan to the corners of the world.

Making Statistical Data Accumulated by Gas Review an Industry Standard

Industrial gases change their form depending on pressure, temperature, and the cylinders there placed in, creating a wide range of statistical data. It’s not that this data is necessarily right or that data is necessarily wrong, but all of this data does make industrial gases seem difficult to understand as products.

We at Gas Review have worked to quantify the invisible nature of industrial gases based on almost half a century of our unique information gathering experience.

The numeric data on industrial gases that we have acquired through information gather activities are widely recognized as a standard in the industrial gas industry.

Information provision
market research activities

Supplying Information beyond Media Publications

Gas Review supplies information through activities other than media publications. We provide in-person and online meetings to explain the background on news coverage, how to interpret numeric data, and other subjects. We also provide order-made investigative reporting.

Explanation of the Basis and Background When Data Alone Does Not Tell the Whole Story

To help deepen understanding of the industrial gas market and to help apply the information we provide to business opportunities, Gas Review provides information and market research.