Use of Articles

Using Articles from Gas Review Publications

Gas Review retains the copyright to all of the materials it publishes. Copying or reusing articles in any form without expressed written permission is against the law.

We ask you to respect the copyrights of Gas Review to all of the contents published by us in any media written or digital, including but not limited to articles, photographs, diagrams, charts, and tables. The copyrights to all of these, whether researched and edited by Gas Review or contributed by external authors, are protected by law. Except in specific cases (e.g., copying for personal use, use in educational institutes, or use in quotation), copying, input into a computer systems, or usage on the internet, in email, through facsimiles, or in any other form without the expressed written permission of the copyright holder is in violation of the law. Transmission of printed or digital media to other individuals or usage of materials for any business purposes regardless of the quantity without the expressed written permission of the copyright holder is not allowed.

Prior Written Permission from Gas Review Required to Use Any Materials

You must get written permission from Gas Review in advance to use any articles, photographs, diagrams, charts, or tables. To obtain written permission from Gas Review to use any articles, photographs, diagrams, charts, tables, or other materials, please use the inquiry page and specify the material you wish to use along with the purpose and method for using it. We will confirm the contents, consult with the copyright holder, and inform you of our decision. In some cases, a fee may be charged for using materials.