Site Policy

Terms Of Use

In using the GR website (“this website”), we ask all users to abide by the following rules. These rules are necessary for smooth, trouble-free use of this website. Please read the following rules before you use this website.

Recommended Environment

We recommend that you use one of the following web browsers when you access this website. If you use any other browser, you may not be able to use the provided contents correctly.

Access from a PC: Use the most recent version of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari.

Access from a smartphone: Use the most recent version of the iOS standard browser or Android OS standard browser.


The use of this website and any results therefrom are the responsibility of the user. The producers of this website and GR assume no responsibility for anything that results from the use of this website, including compensation for or repairs of damage of any sort. In using this website, any acts that disadvantages or harms any third party, any acts that would violate public order and standards of decency, and any usage of the contents of this website for commercial purposes is forbidden.


All rights to any materials on this website, including but not limited to designs, text, illustrations, HTML source data, and programs, belong to GR or to the contents creators. None of the contents of this website can be used beyond the range allowed by law, such as copying material for personal use. Copyright laws prohibit copying, altering, transmitting, selling, publishing, or otherwise using the copyrighted material without the expressed written permission of the copyright holder.


This website uses a technology called cookies to improve user browsing experience and to create a user browsing history. Cookies allow the web server to recognize the user’s computer. The user can use their browser settings to refuse the use of cookies or to display alarms when cookies are received. The user can use this website even if they refuse the use of cookies, but doing so may prevent the use of some features.


This website sometimes uses SSL (secure socket layer) encryption. SSL is an industry standard that is used as a safety measure for communications on a website. When SSL is used, any third party that intercepts transmission data will not be able to use that data.

Applicable Laws

This website can be accessed from countries around the world, which have different laws. However, in respect to the use of this website, the laws of Japan will be binding. GR in no way asserts that the contents of this site will be suitable to or applicable in any country other than Japan. If you access this site, which is in Japan, from any other country, please use your own judgment and be sure to abide by the laws of your country.

Court Of Jurisdiction

For any business disputes that arise from the use of this website, the court with jurisdiction for the location of the GR head office (Osaka District Court) will be the court of first instance.

Inquires Concerning Customer-Related

If you have any comments or questions on our handling of customer-related information, please address them to the following contacts.

K.K.Gas Review TEL:+81-6-6450-6162/ FAX:+81-6-6450-5199
(Reception hours:10:00 to 18:00 excluding Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays)